JurassiCraftMod Wikia
Skeleton Assembly Table b

Skeleton Assembly Table in a scenic location

The Skeleton Assembly Table is a specialized type of Crafting Table that is used to assemble the mounted Skeletons of ancient creatures.


Skeleton Assembly Table recipe

The Skeleton Assembly Table crafting recipe

  • 1 Lapis Lazuli (or Blue Dye from the Biomes O' Plenty mod)
  • 2 Paper
  • 1 Crafting Table
  • 2 Wooden Slabs (Any type)
  • 2 Oak Fences
  • 1 Low Security Fence Wire.


The crafting grid of the Skeleton Assembly Table is a 5x5 grid. A complete set of bones from a particular creature (obtained from either the Cleaning Station, or from the carcass of a living specimen) can be arranged in the table to create a placeable Skeleton. Recipes for the Skeletons can be found on their page.

Note that all the bones have to be of the same class, i.e. either all fossilized or all fresh.


  • The Skeleton Assembly Table was added in update 2.1.0.